1910-19 T213 Coupon Baseball Cards
Product Details
Easily one of the more complex sets from the early part of the century, 1910-19 T213 Coupon Baseball is a regional offering from New Orleans that was issued in three separate releases. Including minor league and major league players, the strong checklist and connection to the famed T206 makes T213 Coupon cards a popular vintage option.
The overall T213 Coupon Baseball design is fairly consistent over the three releases. Featuring a lithograph and thin white border, card fronts add the last name and team for each player at the bottom. The full set totals 326 cards and includes players from the American League, National League, Federal League and Southern Association. Cards can be distinguished by the front font color and back ad.
First produced and issued in 1910, the T213 Coupon Baseball set begins with Type 1 or T213-1. With basic designs taken directly from T206 cards, some collectors believe Type 1 should be treated as an extension of the famous T206 set rather than a separate set. Type 1 cards are printed on thin stock regularly described as heavy paper, but the cards are undoubtedly more fragile than the other types.
The first series consists of 48 MLB players and 20 from the Southern Association for a total of 68 cards. T213-1 card fronts include brown text on the front, like T206, and a Coupon Cigarettes ad noting "(MILD)" on the back. Type 1 cards are the rarest of the T213 cards.
Produced in 1914 and 1915, T213 Coupon Baseball Type 2 or T213-2 features the largest portion of the total checklist at 188 cards. It also contains a majority of the variations that add to the total card count. The cards can be identified based on the blue text on the front or the Coupon Cigarettes ad that mentions "20 for 5 cents" on the back. Both Type 1 and Type 2 cards measure 1-1/2" by 2-5/8".
Lastly, T213 Coupon Baseball Type 3 or T213-3 came out in 1919. The 70-card set also showcases blue text on the front, but the cards are slightly smaller at 1-3/8" by 2-9/16". Also, there are two different back options. The more common Type 3 card back includes a Coupon Cigarettes ad that references "16 for 10 cts." While the rest of the cards feature Factory No. 3 on the backs, a very limited variation T213-3 back known as "Factory 8 Overprint" is available for a portion of the checklist. The variation includes a solid black box over the Factory No. 3 notation and adds Factory No. 8 above it.
In addition to the blue text on the front, Type 2 and Type 3 are printed on more traditional cardboard stock of the era versus the heavy paper used for Type 1.
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Key Cards
Key 1910-19 T213 Coupon Baseball Cards
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Ty Cobb
Christy Mathewson
Frank Chance
Chief Bender
Rube Marquard
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Set Checklist
1910-19 T213 Coupon Baseball Set Checklist
1910 T213-1 (Type 1) Base Set Checklist
Beals Becker - Boston NL
Chief Bender (w/ Trees) - Philadelphia AL
William Bernhard - Nashville
Ted Breitenstein - New Orleans
Bobby Byrne - St Louis NL
William Campbell - Cincinnati
Max Carey - Memphis
Frank Chance (Portrait) - Chicago NL
Chappy Charles - St Louis NL
Hal Chase (Portrait) - New York AL
Hal Chase (Throwing) - New York AL
Ty Cobb (Portrait) - Detroit
Cranston - Memphis
Birdie Cree - New York AL
Bill Donovan (Throwing) - Detroit
Mickey Doolan (Fielding) - Philadelphia NL
Jean Dubuc - Cincinnati
Joe Dunn - Brooklyn
Roy Ellam - Nashville
Clyde Engle - New York AL
Johnny Evers (w/ Bat) - Chicago NL
Art Fletcher - New York NL
Charles Fritz - New Orleans
Edward Greminger - Montgomery
Hart - Little Rock
Hart - Montgomery
Topsy Hartsel - Philadelphia AL
Charles Hickman - Mobile
Danny Hoffman - St Louis AL
Harry Howell (Portrait) - St Louis AL
Miller Huggins (Yelling) - Cincinnati
Miller Huggins (Portrait) - Cincinnati
George Hunter - Brooklyn
Ed Killian (Portrait) - Detroit
Otto Knabe - Philadelphia NL
Frank La Porte - New York AL
Ed Lennox - Brooklyn
Harry Lentz - Little Rock
Rube Marquard (Portrait) - New York NL
Doc Marshall - Brooklyn
Christy Mathewson (w/ Dark Cap) - New York NL
George McBride - Washington
Pryor McElveen - Brooklyn
Matty McIntyre - Detroit
Michael Mitchell - Cincinnati
Carlton Molesworth - Birmingham
Mike Mowery - Cincinnati
Hy Myers (Batting) - New York NL
Hy Myers (Fielding) - New York NL
Dode Paskert - Cincinnati
Hub Perdue - Nashville
Archie Persons - Montgomery
Edward Reagan - New Orleans
Robert Rhoades (w/ Hands Near Chest) - Cleveland
Issac Rockenfeld - New Orleans
Claude Rossman - Detroit
Boss Schmidt (Portrait) - Detroit
Sid Smith - Atlanta
Charles Starr - Boston
Gabby Street (Portrait) - Washington
Ed Summers - Detroit
William Sweeney - Boston NL
Chester Thomas - Philadelphia AL
Woodie Thornton - Mobile
Ed Willett - Detroit
Owen Wilson - Pittsburg
1914-15 T213-2 (Type 2) Base Set Checklist
Red Ames - St. Louis
Home Run Baker - Phila. Amer.
Home Run Baker - Philadelphia Amer.
Home Run Baker - New York
Cy Barger
Chief Bender (w/ Trees) - Philadelphia Amer.
Chief Bender (w/ Trees) - Baltimore
Chief Bender (w/ Trees) - Philadelphia Nat.
Chief Bender (No Trees) - Philadelphia Amer.
Chief Bender (No Trees) - Baltimore
Chief Bender (No Trees) - Philadelphia Nat.
Bill Bradley
Roger Bresnahan - Chicago
Roger Bresnahan - Toledo
Al Bridwell - St. Louis
Al Bridwell - Nashville
Mordecai Brown - Chicago
Mordecai Brown - St. Louis
Bobby Byrne
Howie Camnitz (Arm At Side)
Howie Camnitz (Hands Above Head) - Pittsburgh
Howie Camnitz (Hands Above Head) - Savannah
Billy Campbell
Frank Chance (Batting) - New York
Frank Chance (Batting) - Los Angeles
Frank Chance (Portrait) - New York
Frank Chance (Batting) - Los Angeles
Bill Chapelle - Brooklyn
Larry Chapelle (Chappel) - Clev.
Hal Chase (Holding Trophy) - Chicago
Hal Chase (Holding Trophy) - Buffalo
Hal Chase (Portrait) - Chicago
Hal Chase (Portrait) - Buffalo
Hal Chase (Throwing) - Chicago
Hal Chase (Throwing) - Buffalo
Ty Cobb - Portrait
Ty Cobb - Bat Off Shoulder
Eddie Collins ("A" On Shirt) - Philadelphia
Eddie Collins ("A" On Shirt) - Chicago
Eddie Collins - Chicago
Doc Crandall - St. Louis Fed.
Doc Crandall - St. Louis Amer.
Sam Crawford
Birdie Cree
Harry Davis - Phil. Amer.
Harry Davis - Philadelphia Amer.
Ray Demmitt - New York AL
Ray Demmitt - St. Louis AL
Josh Devore - Philadelphia
Josh Devore - Chillicothe
Mike Donlin (Dohlin) - New York Nat.
Mike Donlin - .300 Batter 7 years
Wild Bill Donovan
Mickey Doolin (Batting) - Baltimore
Mickey Doolin (Batting) - Chicago
Mickey Doolin (Fielding) - Baltimore
Mickey Doolin (Fielding) - Chicago
Tom Downey
Larry Doyle - Batting
Larry Doyle - Portrait
Jean Dubuc
Jack Dunn
Kid Elberfield (Elberfeld) - Brooklyn
Kid Elberfield (Elberfeld) - Chattanooga
Steve Evans
Johnny Evers
Russ Ford
Art Fromme
Chick Gandil - Washington
Chick Gandil - Cleveland
Rube Geyer
Clark Griffith
Bob Groom
Buck Herzog - "B" On Shirt
Buck Herzog
Dick Hoblitzell - Cincinnati
Dick Hoblitzell - Boston Nat.
Dick Hoblitzell - Boston Amer.
Solly Hofman
Solly Hoffmann - Hofman
Miller Huggins - Yelling
Miller Huggins - Portrait
John Hummel - Brooklyn Nat.
John Hummel - Brooklyn
Hughie Jennings - Both Hands Visible
Hughie Jennings - One Hand Showing
Walter Johnson
Tim Jordan - Toronto
Tim Jordan - Ft. Worth
Joe Kelley - New York
Joe Kelley - Toronto
Otto Knabe
Ed Konetchy - Pittsburgh Nat.
Ed Konetchy - Boston
Harry Krause
Nap Lajoie - Phila. Amer.
Nap Lajoie - Philadelphia Amer.
Nap Lajoie - Cleveland
Tommy Leach - Chicago
Tommy Leach - Cincinnati
Tommy Leach - Rochester
Ed Lennox
Sherry Magee - Phila. Nat.
Sherry Magee - Philadelphia Nat.
Sherry Magee - Boston
Rube Marquard (Pitching, "NY" On Shirt) - New York
Rube Marquard (Pitching, No "NY" On Shirt) - Brooklyn
Rube Marquard (Portrait, "NY" On Shirt) - New York
Rube Marquard (Portrait, No "NY" On Shirt) - Brooklyn
Christy Mathewson
John McGraw - Glove At Side
John McGraw - Portrait
Larry McLean
George McQuillan - Pittsburgh
George McQuillan - Phila. Nat.
George McQuillan - Philadelphia Nat.
Fred Merkle
Chief Meyers (Fielding) - New York
Chief Meyers (Fielding) - Brooklyn
Chief Meyers (Portrait) - New York
Chief Meyers (Portrait) - Brooklyn
Dots Miller
Mike Mitchell
Mike Mowrey - Pittsburgh Nat.
Mike Mowrey - Pittsburgh Fed.
Mike Mowrey - Brooklyn
George Mullin - Indianapolis
George Mullin - Newark
Danny Murphy
Red Murray - New York
Red Murray - Chicago
Red Murray - Kansas City
Tom Needham
Rebel Oakes
Rube Oldring - Phila. Amer.
Rube Oldring - Philadelphia Amer.
Dode Paskert - Phila. Nat.
Dode Paskert - Philadelphia Nat.
Billy Purtell
Jack Quinn - Baltimore
Jack Quinn - Vernon
Ed Reulbach - Brooklyn Nat.
Ed Reulbach - Brooklyn Fed.
Ed Reulbach - Pittsburgh
Nap Rucker - Brooklyn
Nap Rucker - Brooklyn Nat.
Dick Rudolph
Germany Schaefer ("W" On Shirt) - Washington
Germany Schaefer ("W" On Shirt) - K.C. Fed.
Germany Schaefer (No "W" On Shirt) - New York
Admiral Schlei - Batting
Admiral Schlei - Portrait
Boss Schmidt
Wildfire Schulte
Frank Smith
Tris Speaker
George Stovall
Gabby Street - Catching
Gabby Street - Portrait
Ed Summers
Bill Sweeney - Boston
Bill Sweeney - Chicago
Jeff Sweeney - New York
Jeff Sweeney - Richmond
Ira Thomas - Phila. Amer.
Ira Thomas - Philadelphia Amer.
Joe Tinker (Bat On Shoulder) - Chicago Fed.
Joe Tinker (Bat Off Shoulder) - Chicago Nat.
Joe Tinker (Bat Off Shoulder) - Chicago Fed.
Joe Tinker (Bat On Shoulder) - Chicago Nat.
Heinie Wagner
Jack Warhop ("NY" On Shirt) - New York
Jack Warhop - St. Louis
Zach Wheat - Brooklyn
Zach Wheat - Brooklyn Nat.
Kaiser Wilhelm
Ed Willett - St. Louis
Ed Willett - Memphis
Owen Wilson
Hooks Wiltse (Pitching) - New York
Hooks Wiltse (Pitching) - Brooklyn
Hooks Wiltse (Pitching) - Jersey City
Hooks Wiltse (Portrait) - New York
Hooks Wiltse (Portrait) - Brooklyn
Hooks Wiltse (Portrait) - Jersey City
Heinie Zimmerman
1919 T213-3 (Type 3) Base Set Checklist
Frank Baker - New York Amer.
Chief Bender - w/ Trees
Chief Bender
Roger Bresnahan - Toledo
Al Bridwell
Mordecai Brown
Bobby Byrne - St.Louis Nat.
Frank Chance - Batting
Frank Chance - Portrait
Hal Chase - w/ Trophy
Hal Chase - Portrait
Hal Chase - Batting
Ty Cobb - Batting
Ty Cobb - Portrait
Eddie Collins - Chicago Amer.
Sam Crawford
Harry Davis - Philadelphia Amer.
Mike Donlin
Bill Donovan - Jersey City
Mickey Doolan - Batting
Mickey Doolan - Portrait
Larry Doyle - Batting
Larry Doyle - Portrait
Jean Dubuc - N.Y. Nat.
Jack Dunn - Baltimore
Kid Elberfeld
Johnny Evers
Chick Gandil - Chicago Amer.
Clark Griffith - Washington
Buck Herzog - Boston Nat.
Doc Hoblitzell - Boston Amer.
Miller Huggins - Yelling
Miller Huggins - Portrait
John Hummel
Hugh Jennings MG - One Hand Shows
Walter Johnson - Washington
Tim Jordan
Kelley - N.Y. Amer.
Ed Konetchy - Brooklyn
Nap Lajoie
Sherry Magee - Cincinnati
Rube Marquard - Pitching
Rube Marquard - Portrait
Christy Mathewson - New York Nat.
John McGraw - Glove At Side
John McGraw - Portrait
George McQuillan - Boston Nat.
Fred Merkle - Chicago Nat.
Dots Miller - St. Louis Nat.
Mike Mowrey - Brooklyn
Hy Myers - New Haven
Hy Myers - Brooklyn
Dode Paskert - Chicago Nat.
Jack Quinn - N.Y. Nat.
Ed Reulbach
Nap Rucker
Dick Rudolph - Boston Nat.
Germany Schaeffer
Frank Schulte - Binghamton
Tris Speaker - Cleveland
Gabby Street - Catching
Gabby Street - Potrait
Ed Sweeney - Pittsburg
Ira Thomas
Joe Tinker
Zack Wheat - Brooklyn
Hooks Wiltse
Heinie Zimmerman - N.Y. Nat.
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